Family of 5 Revamps Their Urban Pantry

When I wrote a book, it never occurred to me that people would actually read it. Not read it, read it, but identify with it. I didn't think of it as spreading a message or trying to inspire people, I just wrote about what I love and how I cook and sent that little baby off into the world. A happy consequence, of course, is that people do read the book. I receive emails and students have come to my classes already jazzed about the prospect of cooking at home, or putting up preserves.Last week, I found this awesome review on of my book. I was shocked, thrilled and so pleased that someone made a committment to make a change. It was so rad to see! Read this..................

When I first saw the title I knew I had to have it. Urban Pantry, Thrifty, Sustainable, Seasonal? Amy's words spoke right to me.

I am a new stay at home mom and we are on a real tight budget, $200.00 every other week for a family of five. I decided to base our grocery list this pay day off of her recipes mainly for two weeks. We spent 190.00 total at Costco for the basics, PCC for a few extras, and our family sized box from our CSA that we receive weekly. We've been eating like kings, and organic none the less! The recipes are so simple yet have that little extra something special. I just made the perfect roast chicken tonight and my husband asked me to marry him...again! Maybe that recipe should be renamed "love bird" or "proposal chicken", no kidding.

I am looking forward to trying EVERY recipe and taking up canning for the first time, and next spring planting a back porch garden all with my new BFF. This book has been so inspirational. I also live in Seattle and my front porch view is dumpsters and a parking lot. I used to think I couldn't wait to have a real yard, but now I can see there's no reason to wait to plant a garden. I used to think my "two butt" kitchen wasn't big enough for canning but, now I can't wait for small batch preserving.

Amy makes the most daunting tasks simple and savvy. Her words are inviting and friendly. Her tips and advice are smart and timely.

I own MANY cook books and just this one speaks to my soul.

I just subscribed to edibleSEATTLE because I heard she's a contributer because, I as well can't wait for her next book.


I was so stoked, that I posted a comment hoping Ellie would see. I asked Ellie to keep me posted on her experiment.

Ellie, This is AWESOME! I can't wait to hear how the 2-week experiment worked out! Thank you for all the nice words. You're a GREAT writer, yourself! Best, amyp

And with that...........she DID! And not only did she keep me posted, she also attended my preserving class last week at Cupcake Royale and introduced herself and her awesome family afterwards. Ellie has three children. She is the matriarch with a family of five trying to make it all work and raise three little human beings. Her children were utterly engaged and conversational, her baby was adorable and her husband was absolutely charming. (He watched all three kids in the cafe during class for a little under two hours - no small feat!) I met them all, we chatted for a bit, I gave Ellie a big hug. I don't even know this person and I'm SO proud of her for making an effort! She is showing her children that it is possible to eat well and healthy, and representing women everywhere by making sacrifices and putting her family first. Ellie is a stay-at-home mom, while her husband works two jobs to support the family. That is hard on any family and they all came in with smiles on their face and glowing. I love love LOVED meeting Ellie and her family. They are seriously my heros. Here are the 'results' of her 2 week experiment.................


This 2-week experiment has turned into an everyday ritual, pretty much. I guess I never really knew, or just forgot, how versatile and delicious pantry staples could be. Cornmeal mush has transformed into parmesan pollenta. Quinoa isn't just a dinner side dish everytime, now it's vanilla quinoa pudding for breakfast or dessert. Yummmmm.

I spent around $200.00 for those two weeks and I was able to try over 12 of your recipes. I love to cook and my family loves to eat, what can I say? We are still cooking and eating our way through your book. Stocking my cute little urban pantry as I go.

What an absolute JOY for my family and I to meet you. Your class at Cupcake Royal was TOO SWEET! Way too much good stuff for me to go on and on and on and on about. You just totally rock, and I hope you become even more famous than my other BFF Gweneth Paltrow:)



Jam Pots


Kitchen Projects